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Biomass Briquette / Pellets Technology

At present in India direct (binder less) technology is most popular & successful. This technology has been adapted to suit Indian conditions according to the characteristics of raw materials available from various natural resources in different seasons. This binder less briquetting technology is based on very high compact characteristics of combustibles cellulose agro waste such as bagasse & saw dust, groundnut shells, rice husk cotton stalk, custard shell etc. into cylindrical briquettes through high heat process. Briquetting technology is well developed in advance countries like Switzerland, U.S.A., Denmark, Canada, Brazil, U.K. etc.

Plant & Machinery Components

Biomass Pellet Machinery -
Biomass pellet machinery operates by first feeding the raw biomass material, such as wood chips or agricultural residues, into a hopper. From there, the material is conveyed into a chamber where it is compressed under high pressure through a die. The die has small holes through which the biomass material is forced, forming compact pellets. The heat generated during compression helps bind the biomass particles together. Once the pellets are formed, they are cooled and collected for further processing or packaging. The machinery components typically include a feeder, hopper, roller press, die, cooling system, and a collection system.

Biomass Briquetting Machinery -
Biomass Briquetting Machinery of the ram piston type operates by utilizing a ram and a piston to compress the biomass material into briquettes. The process starts with feeding the raw biomass material into the machine's hopper. The ram pushes the material towards the die, where the piston exerts high pressure on it. This pressure compacts the biomass, forming dense briquettes. The machine's die determines the briquette's shape and size. Once formed, the briquettes are then ejected from the machine, ready for use as a clean and sustainable energy source.